Showing 1 to 12 of 78

White Goldfinch Care

White Goldfinch Care
White goldfinches are undoubtedly prized pets thanks to their cheerful and captivating song, a quality that attracts bird lovers in search of charming companions. However, to ensure their optimal ...

Turtledoves as pets

Turtledoves as pets
The turtledove, arguably one of the most widely distributed birds in the world, raises the question: can it be considered a domestic companion? Although most species in this family are raised by k...

Pet the parrots

Pet the parrots
This article is based on parrots only, not birds in general. Not all species of birds enjoy physical contact, so before petting a bird we should know if its species has mutual grooming in its patt...
Showing 1 to 12 of 78
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