In the competitive world of marketing, pets have gone from being endearing household companions to powerful allies in the construction of effective advertising strategies. These adorable creatures...
The pet products and services sector is booming and this trend is not expected to stop anytime soon. According to a recent study by Bloomberg Intelligence, global pet market revenue could exceed $...
The Organizing Committee of Iberzoo Propet, the international benchmark trade fair in the pet industry, has already been formed for its next edition, which will take place from 26 to 28 February 2...
The European Pet Food Federation (FEDIAF), to which the spanish National Association of Pet Food Manufacturers (ANFAAC) belongs, released a recent manifesto in Brussels detailing the industry's pr...
The respiratory infection known as psittacosis, derived from the bacteria Chlamydia psittaci, constitutes a significant challenge for avian health in Europe. Recently, an increase in the incidence...
The new animal welfare laws have brought many debates, clashes and controversy not only in Spain but also in other countries such as Germany where fans of this breed of dog have rebelled while the...
Surely some of your customers have been curious about having an exotic animal as a pet. Having a parrot can be an attractive option if you are looking for a pet that can interact with you or if yo...
A research team led by the National Museum of Natural Sciences (MNCN-CSIC) and the Royal Botanical Garden (RJB-CSIC), both affiliated with the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), has ca...
The international fair aimed at pet care professionals, promoted by AMVAC and AEDPAC, is established as the main showcase of the sector as it already has, in December, 80% of the space reserved. I...
In homes around the world, there is a constant growth in the presence of exotic pets. From the common and benign ones, such as turtles, rabbits or chinchillas, to the most extravagant ones, such a...
Who are the family members? The father and the mother? sisters and brothers? Grandfathers or grandmothers? Pets? And 78.9% of the people who have participated in the latest "We Are Testers" market...
According to the latest studies, the number of pets in Spain amounts to 29 million, which implies that many families must incorporate into their daily budget the expenses necessary for the proper ...