Who are the family members? The father and the mother? sisters and brothers? Grandfathers or grandmothers? Pets?
And 78.9% of the people who have participated in the latest "We Are Testers" market study on pets assure that their pet is another member of the family.
Only 11.7% say that they make a clear difference between animal and human, but it is worth noting that for 9.4%, their pet is the most important being within their family. These are some of the first data obtained in this survey, in which 1,000 spanish nationally representative people participated.
To make a general x-ray of the composition of Spanish households in relation to pets, the first step is to know the number of pets that make up the household of those surveyed.
As can be imagined, having a pet is the most common, 42.4% confirm this idea, but it seems that having 2 is also quite normal, 32.8% of households affirm this. Families with 3 pets decrease to 11.6% and 5.8% say they have 4 animals at home. Also, as a curious fact, it is worth noting that the number of people who have 5 pets at home is more than those who have 4, exactly 1.6% more.
As you can predict, the dog is the king of pets, followed by cats and birds. Below, you can see the most common animals in Spanish homes:

Another interesting fact is the origin of these pets. 35.1% of those surveyed have received the animal as a gift. 29.6% got their pet through adoption and 25.3% picked it up off the street, reflecting a tendency not to buy animals and adopt those who are homeless. After these options, the fourth is purchase, where three situations occur: purchase in store (16.8%); purchase from breeder (10.9%); and purchases from individuals (10.4%). Finally, 7.8% say that the pet is the offspring of an animal that they already had and that they decided to keep.
Being another member of the family, they are pampered and cared for just like any other member of the family. 30.5% of those surveyed admit to buying pet accessories every month and 30.5% every 6 months. Fewer people decide to treat their pets every week, 9.2% and 8% once a year.
As for the most everyday items purchased, the following list shows the most common items purchased:
· Health or hygiene product: 61.9%
· Toys: 61.7%
· Antiparasites: 52.3%
· Collar or leash: 34.7%
· Feeder: 32.7%
· Kennel or bed: 28.2%
· Car accessories: 14%
· Decoration objects: 8.2%
The acquisition of these products seems to be rare in a second-hand store, since only 0.5% decide to do so in these establishments. The most common thing is to make purchases in specialized centers, according to 33.2% of those surveyed.
The next point of purchase is online in the case of 22.6% of the sample, closely followed by purchases in supermarkets for 17.3%. The last place of purchase, not counting second-hand stores, are animal beauty stores, 7.9% of those surveyed claim to use this channel.
The following graph shows the expenditure that respondents make per year on their pets, without taking into account food expenses and veterinary expenses:

One aspect to keep in mind is that the expenses are very similar whether you have a dog or a fish. As for feed, the most common thing is to spend between 20 and 40 euros per month, as stated by 52.5% of those surveyed. 21.1% affirm that they spend less than 20 euros and 19.3% between 40 and 60 euros. The remaining 7.1% spend more than €60 per month on food for their pet(s).
It is important to worry about the health of pets and, for this, there is the work of veterinarians and animal insurance. 27.5% claim to take their pet to the veterinarian once a year and 23.7%, once every six months. There is also 16.3% who do it more frequently, once every three months. On the other hand, the part of the sample that visits the veterinarian less is reduced to 20.5%, who only go to the veterinarian when the animal is unwell, and a smaller percentage, 7.8%, only goes to the center to vaccinate to the animal.
More than half of the respondents to the pet market study, 54.4%, affirm that they do not have pet insurance and 17.7% have it associated with another of their insurance policies, such as home or life.

For those who currently do not have specific insurance contracted, it is clear that they would like the following coverage to be included in order of preference:
· Free coverage of veterinary check-ups
· Discounts on veterinary treatment
· Telephone service for questions related to food, vaccines or other aspects about animals
· Promotions and discounts in collaboration with stores or accommodations specialized in pets.
· Damage and damage to the home
· Compensation for theft or loss
One of the biggest concerns about pets is what to do with them when the holidays arrive. It must be taken into account that they cannot always accompany the owner, although 39.2% claim to always take their pet on vacation. On the other hand, when that possibility does not exist, the animal is usually left in the care of a friend or family member, as 47.7% of the participants in the study do.
Although it may also happen that they can be left at home with what is necessary to endure the absence of their owners, as 7.2% say; a situation that also depends on other factors such as the type of animal it is. Finally, 5.9% leave their pets in a hotel prepared to care for animals.
Finally, another interesting fact from the study reflects the resting habits of the animals. 38.5% responded that the animal sleeps with him or her in the same room. 43% say that the pet sleeps in another separate room and 18.5% say that the pet has a space outside the house, such as a shed, garden, etc...