Benefits of garlic for birds and how to administer it

Garlic is administered to certain birds for a long time, as it has many properties that are beneficial to our feathered friends. 

One of the most observed characteristics is that it serves as a vermicide, which is naturally very beneficial, so it is a good potent antibiotic, it also eliminates harmful bacteria, but the best thing is that it respects the bacterial flora, besides these it has other benefits:

· Diuretics. 
· Antiseptic. 
· Stimulant the circulatory system. 
· Helps prevent and cure respiratory diseases. 
· Anti-rheumatic. 
· Antiparasitic. 
· Dilator of blood vessels. 
· Eliminates the worm from the tapeworm. 
· Eliminates fungi and scabies.

Garlic is contained in a large amount of sulfur just as it has calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, contains vitamin. A- B1-B2-C, and nicotinamide, which is very beneficial for our birds.


Garlic can be supplied directly to birds and it is obvious that we will meet some that did not like it because of the itching it produces, but in the end they will end up consuming it.

- In drinking fountains.

Using it whole in this way leads to the problem of the strong odor that comes off, therefore, to minimize it, it is best to crush the clove of garlic and immerse it in a liter of water or in the amount that is required letting it stand for an hour to make an infusion. 

- Use garlic powder.

To avoid the problem of smell it is best to powder garlic by administering it in the preferably wet pastes. In this way you are completely sure that the bird has eaten it. 


Garlic despite being very beneficial and having all the properties it contains can also cause damage to our birds.

This is why it should not be given over once a week or once every fifteen days, since we have to take into account that it has anticoagulant effects and can lead to bleeding in certain situations. 

- When we use it in drinking fountains.

You have to remove it very quickly as it tends to give a bad smell to all drinking fountains. If you leave a lot of time you can damage the water that instead of benefiting what it does is damage. 

Birds must be observed as many stop drinking water by taste or smell becoming dehydrated by not drinking water.

- When we use it in pastes 

As we have already pointed the garlic has to be powdered and likewise every fifteem or weekly, always taking into account if the paste is wet as it has to be removed promptly since it can also damage the feeder.
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