Nutrition for cage birds.

The types of cage bird food should be according to the species in question.

It is not good to give too much food, nor products with a lot of fat. Vegetables collected from the natural environment must be disinfected, otherwise they can cause gastrointestinal problems.

Food for birds during breeding

The special Soft Food are highly recommended as they come made with the nutrients they require during reproduction. 

Some species require during this stage insects or special soft food for insectivores because they consume it in the wild, it can be reinforced with fruits and vegetables, it all depends on the bird in question.

Fresh egg has the inconvenience that easily deteriorates and can cause many diseases, special egg food for breeding carry preservatives that avoid such problems. 

In the rest, during reproduction you should also eat the foods you usually eat.


Mixtures are prepared from seeds, that is, the type of bird food in which their elaboration is varied containing a certain number of seeds, they must be well preserved, otherwise they can deteriorate, better to buy them in small quantities, to keep it in better condition, unless you have an aviary with many species of birds.

Usually the seeds for granivores are deposited in the feeder and are renewed as they are consumed, if the animal is prone to fattening it should provide a more balanced diet, for example in animal stores they can provide a special mixture of food for birds made with seeds containing less fat. 

In many birds it is necessary to ration and ensure that they only eat their daily ration, for example some parrots, as a measure to avoid obesity

Vegetables and fruits

Other types of food for birds are vegetables, for many birds are important although they must be administered with caution to avoid diarrhea, the same to say of fruits, which take them very pleased, but a indigestion can cause them to suffer gastrointestinal problems, both in one case or another, it is necessary to know the species of bird to facilitate the type of fresh food that can eat.

Germinates are also a good option for them to have access to fresh foods.

If fresh food is collected from the environment, it is necessary to ensure that it is healthy,free of pesticides or other pollutants, in these cases there are specific products for washing vegetables.  

Fresh herbs  seeds are also very pleasing to birds, as well as berries, blackberry, raspberry, willow, etc.


More than types of food for birds are nutritional contributions in order to facilitate digestive transit. 

Gravel is essential for birds that eat grains, as they help digest the seeds, resulting in a positive digestive system.

Smaller birds require finer gravel, large birds will need more thick gravel. They are also known by the name grit, contain special formulas depending on the manufacturer. 

The jibia bone and products made with mineral block that are equally marketed should not be missing, some are usually hanging, attract the bird's attention, like to pecking and in many cases avoid food deficiencies.

Type of meals for birds and insectivorous birds and frugivorous 

There are also certain types of food for birds that feed on insects or fruits, they are well prepared balanced products that serve to keep them in captivity. 

It is the basic diet and must be supplemented with fresh products, depending on the species, such as live foods or fresh fruit.

Live prey is very varied and can be purchased in animal stores, especially larvae, flour worms, crickets, etc. 

The types of meals for birds of insectivorous and frugivorous cage are balanced and extruded (feed), there are also specific pasta indicated for reproduction.

Other types of more specific bird food 

There are special diets for nectarivores, they are balanced with nectar content, i.e. combinations that include forest fruits, nuts, etc. everything depends on what the bird consumes even specific pasta s that include honey or small dehydrated invertebrate animals.

Certain types of food for birds that deserve special attention are extruded or feed for granivores, because  mixtura is replaced and has a positive impact on the hygiene of the cage, as it is no longer necessary to clean the remains of shells that make the caregiver quite uncomfortable, as they usually spread not only through the cage, but also by the ground where it is located.

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