Can I have a certain exotic bird at home?
If your costumers ask you about a certain species as a new member of the family and you have doubts to advise them, you should know that in Spain there is very strict legislation to control the possession of exotic animals.
Spanish legislation deals with the possession of exotic species as pets in different regulations that regulate the import and export permits granted by CITES to bring an exotic animal to Europe as well as its legal sale with the relevant health permits and identifications.
The penalties applied for non-compliance range from 4 months in jail and up to 2 years to those who do not comply with the provisions of international conventions, CITES and the Spanish laws themselves in this regard.
But the fact that the legislation is so strict does not mean that you cannot have an exotic bird at home. What it means is that you cannot have just any type of exotic bird at home.
· Mandarin Diamond: This parrot barely exceeds 12 centimeters. Its beak and legs are red and its feathers are pale. They are one of the best known exotic birds.
· Cockatoo: Any of its types is allowed. You can find them in many colors and can live up to 30 years. Also, they are very smart and you can teach them to talk.
· Lovebirds: One of the best known parrots. It is much better that they live in pairs and are easily tame. Its brilliant color is one of its great attractions.
· Parakeets: One of the most common in homes. Their singing does not leave anyone indifferent, it will certainly brighten your day.
· Parrots: The best-known exotic bird of all and one of the most common to have as a pet. It is the exotic animal that can be kept as a longest-lived pet, up to 80 years.
Is the exotic bird among those suggested? If so, now something else needs to be taken into account. And it is that, although some of them may be easier to care for, that does not mean that they do not need special care.
It is essential not to place them in small cages. Exotic birds need a lot of space to be able to move freely inside their cages, so the bigger and better equipped with accessories for their fun, the better. If they cannot develop anxiety and stress disorders that will harm their health.
As to the base of the cage, the most recommended are biological bedding, such as vegetable bedding, corn sand or clean and dry grit. The bed is changed depending on the birds that are kept, the normal thing is to do it every two days.
But not everything is a good cage. You must be aware that if you choose an exotic bird as a pet, you also have to let it out for at least a couple of hours a day. And close doors and windows before opening it!
As to food, these birds need a good quality food, such as a millet mixture base or some specific food for the exotic species acquired within a varied diet that covers all their nutritional needs, complementing their daily menu with fruit or eggs paste, bars, snacks or pieces of fruit and vegetables together with vitamin supplements and calcium blocks.
For their hygiene and care, it is essential to provide them with nail file hangers and to have a good nail clipper for the proper maintenance of their claws.
Thus, you can have an exotic bird at home, but as long as it is a species that is allowed by law. They are not a toy.