Guinea pigs are pets that require daily interaction like any other pet, as well as a series of specific care that will have to do primarily with their diet and habitat.
In this article we transmit some essential tips to transmit to your customers.
Guinea pigs are traditionally considered the best pets for children, but you should always be an adult who takes responsibility for ensuring they are handled and cared for properly so you can follow the steps we now explain.
Normally, guinea pigs live from 5 to 6 years, but some may live longer if they are provided with all the care that we now detail.
A balanced diet for a guinea pig consists of:
. High-quality foods of guinea pig, Timothy hay and limited amounts of vegetables and fruits.
. They should also be provided with 30 to 50 mg of vitamin C per day in high-quality foods, vitamin supplements or fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C
. Clean, fresh, filtered, chlorine-free water that is changed daily.
. They cannot be given chocolate, caffeine or alcohol as they can cause serious medical problems. Avoid sugar and high-fat sweets.
Guinea pigs are well acclimatized to the average temperature of households, but you should be careful with extreme temperature changes. The habitat should never be exposed to direct sunlight or in an area with air currents.
On the other hand, they should be provided with a cage that has a solid surface and plenty of space to exercise and play. It is best to provide the largest possible habitat.
In the pet's cage you should place pieces of paper for his bed or hardwood shavings. Cedar-based products are not recommended.
Guinea pigs can be kept in same-sex couples if raised together; Otherwise, you have to keep the adult guinea pigs housed separately. Different types of small animals should not be housed together.

. Easy to handle: The guinea pig prefers a similar routine and time to play, feed and rest each day.
. It hides in objects, but will come out when people are close to the habitat.
. Chew objects to keep all your teeth, which grow continuously; make sure they have enough chewing sticks or chewable minerals available.
. Clean and disinfect the cage and its contents at least once a week with a 3% bleach solution.
. Rinse and let dry completely before placing the guinea pig back in the cage.
. Remove moisture stains daily; change bedding at least twice a week, or more often as needed.

. Guinea pigs are kept clean and rarely need baths, but can be cleaned with a damp towel or perfume-free baby wipes if needed.
. The skin can be brushed with a soft toothbrush.
. Hairless guinea pigs can benefit from a small amount of non-toxic aloe-based lotion that is rubbed onto the skin to keep it soft.
. Guinea pigs need their nails to be cut about once a month.
. It is normal for the teeth of a guinea pig to be yellow; Cleaning is not necessary.