When cutting, washing or taking care for the hair of dogs and cats it is usually done for aesthetic reasons (if it is too long or short, if it shines or otherwise needs a good bath...).
It's okay, because keeping clean and healthy hair guarantees a better quality of life for the pet, but we need to be aware that both your hair and your skin are indicators of your health.
Cats usually like water quite little and already include in their day to day grooming, so it is more difficult to give them a bath if they have not been used from a very young age.
The case of dogs is different. Our friend will need a bath but the frequency will depend, as also happens with brushing, on the animal's habits and customs. Do you live at home or in the countryside? What kind of hair does it have? Do you sleep with you and climb on chairs and sofas?
All these questions will help us determine the frequency of bathing (which in no case should be less than once a week), always without neglecting the hygiene of the dog.
How should we bathe the dog?
It is important that the water is warm, as your skin is quite sensitive to heat.
They are uncomfortable not to touch the floor, so it is advisable to bathe them in spaces where they feel safe and use a shower phone or hose so as not to force them to pass under the tap (especially the head).
It is important to make sure that water does not get into your ears.
Rinse well and rub with a towel to dry. If it is summer and it is hot, it can dry in the sun, but if they start to lower temperatures we recommend using the dryer with cold or warm air so as not to irritate their skin.
Brush when dry, never combing with wet hair.
Choosing the type of shampoo is essential, so it is always important to consult with the veterinarian.
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To brush the cat, a series of guidelines must be taken into account:
The cat has to enjoy brushing gently. You can also use a prize if you can see that the cat is uncomfortable.
Avoid passing the brush over the beard or moustache area as they are very sensitive.
If the cat has long hair, try to undo the knots that form with the fingers and if not possible, they must be cut.
Frequency. If the cats are short-haired, a couple of weekly brushings or one in depth a week will be enough. If the cat is long-haired, it is recommended to brush it every day or whenever possible.
It is important to establish a frequency of brushing with dogs, which will vary according to their hair type as well as to be aware that all dogs need dead hair removed from their mantle, both short and long hair.
As for the frequency will depend on both the type of hair of the animal and the lifestyle it has. If you have a Maltese bichon and the residence is in a country area, you will probably need a daily hairstyle. On the contrary, this same dog in a flat or house in the city will allow us to brush it every two or three days.
Brushing and grooming is not something all dogs enjoy. With short-haired dogs it is somewhat easier, as in a few minutes this process is ready. Long hair requires more time and patience. It is important to take this process calmly.
Getting used to the dog from a puppy will be essential to accept it as a more routine as it grows.
How to brush them according to their hair type?
Short-hair dogs
A bristle brush or mitten may be used to remove excess hair from the dog's mantle. It's enough to brush front to back and top to bottom to keep the animal's hair healthy.
Long-haired dogs
Are usually combed to a counterpoint, from the bottom up and back forward, so that the mantle is soft and fluffy.
Curly-haired dogs
This type of hair needs constant maintenance, they do not have periods of molting, so they are always growing and it is necessary to cut it frequently. The ideal is to do a daily brushing to avoid knots.
Dogs with skeins
The hair in skeins is the least common, typical in breeds such as the water dog. It usually has a "dreadlock" appearance. This type of dogs should not be brushed, since the hair must be grouped in laces. It will be enough to run your fingers through the mantle and legs to release the hair and prevent it from clumping and pulling on the skin.