The beak is one of the most important members of the parrot's body. They use it in all the daily tasks of their lives: eating, moving around, protecting themselves, holding on, manipulating everything around them, etc. It is basically like the hands of a human being.
Unfortunately, there are many parrots that lose their beaks throughout their lives. In this case, this specimen was found and rescued by veterinarians, with its beak completely damaged, so its condition was extremely serious and getting it cured was already impossible.
This group of professionals from the Renascer ACN organization, located in Brazil, studied the possibility of making a synthetic beak and the results have been very satisfactory, offering him a second chance by creating a fully functional beak prosthesis.
Dr. Maria Angela Panelli Marchió works there, with great experience and specialized in animal orthopedics and who created a plastic resin prosthesis with which this parrot was able to get a new beak.
“The process is completely handmade. The material used, polymethylmethacrylate, hardens quickly, from three to five minutes. It is so resistant that it is necessary to remove it with a chainsaw”, said Paulo Martins, founder of this animal rehabilitation center.
On social networks they have published several images of the bird feeding, in addition to some photos of what it looked like before saving its life.
The parrot once again had the ability to pick at fruits, an essential part of its diet, as well as to climb on various surfaces with complete normality. Now he will live at the organization's headquarters because there is a risk that the prosthesis will come off in its natural habitat.