Do your customers want to have a dog and they already have a bird and vice versa?
There are several things that they must take into account so that a dog lives in harmony with a parakeet, a canary or a parrot. Below we mark the most important factors to consider to transmit to your clients in this case.
As you know, mother nature rules and unfortunately, birds tend to be, above all, one thing for dogs: interesting prey. Even non-hunting dogs enjoy when pigeons or ravens take flight. Some dogs have been bred for bird hunting.
These birds that are hunted are not only pheasants, but also other species. For almost any puppy, birds are fascinating and activate their hunting instinct. From there to hunting a companion with wings there is not much. A dog can inflict fatal injuries on a bird very quickly.
If you want to live with a dog and a bird, it is best not to set your goals too high. Birds should live in an aviary or large cage. The most important thing is that the dog remains calm and civilized in the same room.
If the dog is restless at first, it has to be rewarded every time it behaves in the right way. That is, as soon as he is calm, give him a treat or compliment him with a key word (for example, very good!). Reward behaviors in which the bird is not important.
If the cage is within the dog's reach, it should never be left unattended in the same room and care must be taken that the birds are not under stress when the dog is nearby.
When, for example, a canary is upset despite the dog's good behavior, its presence will be too great a strain for the little bird. If, after several attempts of at least thirty minutes, the birds are still frightened, it is better that the dog is not allowed in the room again.

More and more dogs ignore free-flying birds, both outside and inside, so they are in harmony together. But when a coexistence between dogs and birds is planned, much less should this be assumed. Every dog is different.
When the birds are enjoying their daily free flight, it is best that the dog is in a different room. This way there are no risks.
Another determining factor is that, if possible, the dog knows the bird since it is a puppy and is educated to be close to birds. If he does not express any desire to hunt, you can try to have dogs and birds together in the same room, but always under supervision.
This is not always recommended. For neither the dog nor the bird benefit much from closeness. In addition, there is always a bit of risk: if the bird pinches the dog's sensitive nose with its beak, it can take a quick bite. Even small dogs cause serious injuries.
On the opposite, some birds, such as parrots, can seriously injure the dog in the head with their powerful beaks. It can take a long time to get used to each other: at first, many dogs are upset when the birds fly freely. This can also cause damage to the home. The best alternative in many cases is free flight without the dog being present.
In general, with any species of bird, a safety distance must be maintained between it and the dog, as we are pointing out. This is for parakeets, canaries, lovebirds, zebra diamonds or estrildids as well as for cockatoos and makunda birds.
Parrots have a better option to defend themselves with their strong beak, plus they are bigger. This is not to say that they get along better, as even a small dog can kill a parrot by biting and the bird can sometimes injure the small dog. That is why it is better not to leave dogs and parrots unattended either.
There is no guarantee for a peaceful free-flight coexistence with any breed of dog. Even when the dog is quiet for months, the bird may suddenly land next to him unexpectedly and his hunting instinct will come out.
The chances of a harmonious coexistence are greater with dog breeds that do not have a hunting instinct, such as bichons, little lion dogs or pugs.

Indian Runner Ducks are a secret weapon against pesky slugs in the garden, which makes them highly prized by many people.
If you have a garden with a swimming area, it is obviously a very appropriate place to keep ducks. But what about the dog? The dog must not have a highly developed hunting or herding instinct if it is to be in the garden with the ducks.
These birds are very sensitive and could become very stressed if a barking dog approaches them. Be careful: if the small dogs are too rough, the ducks can become very energetic and chase them out of the garden.
In many cases, socializing a dog with ducks also requires a lot of patience. Only when both parties are relaxed can the dog and ducks be left together without supervision.
In the extreme case, there is already the image of this beautiful Labrador and his duckling friends.